We should conquer the frameworks, instead of being slaves of the frameworks, whether it is Angular, React, or something.
We should develop our core with only features available in the JavaScript/TypeScript language. For example, instead of directly using dependency injection, we should manually write a factory function. If we want to integrate the DI of, say, Angular, we can wrap around it a layer of injectable classes. But keep in mind that the core must not use the functionalities available only in the framework.
This will ease your pain when upgrading frameworks, sharing code between projects on the same subject but using different frameworks (e.g. the web version of this website is built with Angular, while the app is built with React Native).
我需要深入 Angular 构建器的源码来了解这一问题的根源!
不错,很有想法。 净土,会拥有怎样的未来呢?让我们拭目以待吧…
或许可以考虑把一些 latex 的东西写在这里。
还应该有一个发起解惑、探讨一个主题(比如说一篇论文)的功能。 这个跟问答应该是不一样的,问答是设想有人可以给出全局性的统领,但是不一定有多少细节。这个是大家不一定全局知道多少,但是细节上可以给出推进。后者更像是真实科研的过程。 本质上讲,我们对知乎的失望,也应该来源于此——一个小小的答案并承载不起求知的过程,这个过程应该是长期、持续并关注细节的,应当在细节上无懈可击。知乎的答案评论部分地弥补了这一点,这也是我如此喜欢看评论的原因。